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Writer's pictureJames Rice

Our Barabbas

The shooting of Brian Thompson has driven the internet wild, outpourings of repressed rage and dissatisfaction has found an outlet. Whilst no having killed, they applaud his actions, post memes about the killing and now some dress as him to show solidarity.

It's fair to say he has a following.

The shooter has made a mark against the American Health Insurance industry in a way that no peaceful protest has ever managed. He has become more than just a person, he has become a symbol of a better future.

In the shooter the people of America have found hope.

In the face of powers that the people can't face against by protest or election the shooter is the figure that in their hearts many Americans have been wanting but just hadn't realized yet.

He's not the Messiah he's just a very naughty boy

I blame my local priest for that title, he quoted it a while back and well... its low hanging fruit.

The Jews in the face of Roman empire expected their messiah to be a warrior, a man to cast out the Romans and to restore their dignity as a people. but that isn't what God had in mind. Victory in terms of territory or temporal power are meaningless to God.

The Jews knew what they wanted, they wanted someone to cast down those who oppressed them and it's clear that the people of the world want that now. The right cry out for Trump, trying to conquer America for Christ but only lose the battle for their hearts, whilst the left looks for a hero who can cast down Trump in the legal system but these aren't our concerns. As Benjamin Cremer posted on bluesky:

The true Messiah

Jesus foretold in Isaiah:

'For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'

And in his life:

'As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them. Then he and his disciples went to another village.'

Jesus wasn't the messiah the Israelites of the era were expecting, according to some interpretations he wasn't even the messiah they wanted and the Judas' betrayal of Jesus was to push him towards conquest probably to Judas' own fiscal benefit as the movements financial worker.

Many people, especially those of a more common background rather than those high up supported the zealots. The zealots were essentially what we'd call freedom fighters at best and terrorists at worst who relied on banditry to support their actions against the Roman occupation. Ultimately the rebellions of the Israelites drew down the ire of Rome and they sacked Jerusalem and forbade any Jew to return to the site.

Barabbas was a militant revolutionary and likely one of the Zealots.

The prisoners of passover

Barabbas' name is a divine irony it literally mean son (bar) [of] daddy (abba(s) or daddy's son, which is literally Jesus' role the son of God, our abba.

Jesus was accused of being a rebel but had done nothing wrong. Barabbas was the genuine article.

Every passover the Jews were permitted to pardon one prisoner. It was a choice between Barabbas and Jesus. When the messiah and a zealot were put next to each other the people didn't seek out what was good, they chose the one who made them feel good; the one who killed those who they disliked and oppressed them.

It was a choice between Barabbas and Jesus and the crowd chose to save Barabbas and called for Jesus to be crucified.

It's not enough for us to merely choose to follow Jesus in our hearts, we must put to death the empty place in our hearts for him. The place the shooter is taking. Barabbas will return whatever face he may take he will return. Will you call our for the death of that place in your heart?

So this Christmas who will you vote for in your heart? Barabbas or Jesus?

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