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Writer's pictureJames Rice

Filtering the Internet for your dependents (or perhaps its just impossible when they come of age)

Given the other post I just made it seemed fitting to make a post on how to filter websites, this was meant to be a guide on how to block the internet but as I wrote it I came to the same conclusion as I have before on the matter; one simply can't block the internet. This is a guide to why filtering can work for children and those who are willing but its a difficult business.

Basic filters

Internet filters are fairly common and what you need will generally easily available so I won't try to give you a run down which to buy as you can just google that. This is more the practicalities of using them. A filter will block anyone under its preview including parents if you aren't split into separate user accounts.

It should be noted that filtering is a double edged sword and you will need to get around it at times if you don't block pornography specifically as violent news footage and various academic subjects will cover topics that may be covered. Seriously consider restricting your blocks to pornography as the effect can cover far more than is desirable blocking.

Some software locks google searches into safe mode which is an incredibly useful feature as it prevents temptations and opportunities.

Undermining protection

Filters have a major flaw, as it is installed by a user controlling or deleting the software is a risk (and given its usually the younger generation that installs the games they will need administrator privileges). Some software use password protection to prevent such brute force methods, the software I use is Covenant Eyes which is accountability software, which uses an app to control the filter meaning the controls aren't on the computer and it can be controlled from elsewhere meaning you can alter filtered sites when you are out but more importantly you don't have to let children (or adults) see you alter the settings and thus learn the password. It also can't just be uninstalled, unless you get a code through the app, removing the software will disable the internet until the software is reinstalled and disabled correctly. Please note not to lose the password for such software as you will never be able to uninstall it (I've done that in the past though mercifully the particular software didn't actually work).

Account settings

Most social networks and some game sites have seedier sides, so ensuring that adult content is blocked is important. The issue here is 'what's stopping the user making another account with the age set at 18'... well there isn't much. You can block access to webpages, so you might be able to block the page that prevents them making another account but that would only work on you computer and they could simply make an account elsewhere and login using that at home.

The only thing you can do is check on you children to see if they are doing this, which is intrusive and if they have more than one browser (or are using incognito browsing) they could be logged into both accounts and just make sure that you see the one they want you to see.

As this is the first risk point, make sure you block such sites outright from those underaged to use them, once they are old enough how they use it is their decision though you could block it if you see it misused.

Proxy sites

The biggest fault in web filters (including my beloved covenant eyes) is the makers believe that they only need to block the website, and don't bother blocking proxy sites. Proxy sites are websites that you can view other websites through, so if you've blocked porn the user can simply view it through a proxy site. Proxy sites are generally more clumsy than the real thing but as you are well aware that isn't the point.

For covenant eyes the only option seems to be search for the sites then add them to the filtered website list which is tedious, and worse only a short term measure as new ones become available. It should be noted that though you can filter websites viewable to an entire household in some cases using more advanced wireless routers a proxy site will break through those to and for that matter even websites blocked by the government.

This is the first kind of break you are likely to find in your security, I don't know how fast children learn this stuff these days, I didn't learn about proxy sites until I was nineteen and in a hospital that had filtered internet and thus found out there were ways to bypass it but I suspect the moment children become of age to want to find ways round things, they will find this out as a group effort.

Proxy software

Proxy software such as tor, give the user the ability to bypass the filters by linking to a server that does the proxy work for you opposed to having to visit an intermediary website. One might assume that's easy to prevent, simply block the website that provides the software and delete it from the computer.

The problem is software can be run off memory sticks and as it doesn't reference a website address, unless you are particularly clever you can't block the software from working. As such, a user can just plug in a memory stick with the software and then remove it when their done, leaving you none the wiser. As memory sticks are commonly used at school, there is nothing from someone else giving your child (or... I'm not going to rephrase that for work and adult but you get the point) the software or even download it from the internet at school. Also they can probably get it via email. It should also be noted that proxy software can be hidden inside emulator software, for example I use bluestacks to run android apps but there's nothing stopping me from going onto the play store and downloading a proxy app.

I don't know how much there is you can do in this situation and to a certain extent, you could see how your child is using a usb stick but you'd probably end up just stopping them from doing there homework. Once you have reached this point you really just need to start a conversation as there is little to be done, there are possibly ways to interfere with proxy functioning but if they are clever enough to have got this far and determined enough to do so, there isn't much for it.

Hypothetically you can remove administrator rights, delete software, and there might even be a way to stop them running software from a USB stick (I honestly don't know) but even then you'd have to make sure they weren't smuggling in X-rated videos in their files. You can't stop someone skilled enough from breaking a computers defenses without utterly demeaning them, and for that matter you likely won't even be able to prove they have even looked at such things.

Sometimes all we can do is guide and hope people make the right choices given time.


The battle isn't about what people can see or not see, Its about what they do, or don't do. Of course you can restrict children when they are young but as they get older they will break through the various boundaries that you have set. Its about having a conversation and helping them to understand why 'everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial, everything is permissible but not everything is edifying' (1 Corinthians 10:23).

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